Sunday May 16
--I played frisbee golf for the first time this "season." I did okay. Not my best but it was my first time.
--Today was also my friend Tina & Dave's first anniversary. Hooray! that's awesome.

Monday May 17
--Every week I'm going to help my grandparent's around the house. This week I mowed the lawn and did some other small things. Next week will probably be about the same.

...pretty exciting week so far, right?
Tuesday May 18
--Allyse (Gerald's sister) and I drove down to draper to visit her family. Her cousin Julia graduated high school this year, so we went to congratulate her and say hi to her aunt Nancy, visiting from N.C.

--Had coffee with a friend from Intervarsity before heading up to Amy's to practice for worship this Sunday. I call our group of girls, "girl band," and man, do I love girl band!
Wednesday May 19
--Intervarsity events during the summer have kept me pretty busy since I have a lot to prepare for our little gatherings on Thursdays.
--After that I headed up to church to help out with the highway cleanup we do every year. I picked up plenty of trash and saw a dead raccoon and a deer skeleton. I am woman. Hear me roar.
Thursday May 20
--For our summer plans in intervarsity we're watching some of the Nooma videos by Rob Bell. I have seen most of them before hand (and preparing for the videos means I watch them at least 2 more times), but from what i've heard no one else in our group has seen them. It's been great to see how everyone reacts the videos, but I do have a little anxiety every week since I lead everyone through the discussion. I just want the videos/discussion to be beneficial to everyone that comes, so I put a lot of pressure on myself. Probably shouldn't do that...
--Today was Gerald's 22nd birthday! Hooray! Happy Birthday! I can't wait until next year because we can celebrate it in Utah when he's home for good! yessssss.
Friday May 21
--Tina and I have been working out 3 times a week at Weber's gym. Most of the time we just walk around the track and stretch, but at least it gets me up and out of the house.
--Headed to Holbrook's house to watch Luke and Anasten, which is what I do every Friday. Anasten is 5 and says the funniest things. Today while we were "fighting monsters," I could hear her whispering "lets get this party started" to the monster she was fighting. Smack talk! love it!

Anasten & Luke
--After that I did some more babysitting with a 5 year old named Will. Will is also a character. I call him "the world war 2 expert," because he is! They own an old black and white WW2 documentary called, Victory at Sea, and Will knows every scene! It's a bit scary...He also knows a lot about Star Wars so we have had some fun conversations about that galaxy far, far, away.
Saturday May 22
--Woke up this morning with a rash on the left side of my face. Awesome. I went to the Dr and nothing happened. Super. Gerald thinks it's an allergic reaction and not a rash, so I took some benadryl and I'm waiting to see what happens. Until then, I look like Quasimodo (minus the hunchback), or at least feel like him. Not cool.

--That night I did some more babysitting with two kids, Katie (10) and Beck (7), or as Gerald puts it, "Beck and Beck's sister." crazy Gerald. Before bedtime we read a book about sharks and found out great white sharks can have over 3,000 teeth. Katie said, "Ewww!" and Beck turned to her and said, very matter-of-factly, "Katie it's not Ewww!...It's Wow!" Kids crack me up.
Sunday May 23
--Girl band played the music at church today and it was great. It was Suzy's last sunday playing with us before she gets married and moves away in June :( it's going to suck...I don't want to talk about it.

--After that we had a bridal shower for Suzy. Food, presents, girl talk...ya know, the usual. It was great.

Also throughout the week i've been finishing up 2 Thessalonians. For my new years resolution I made a list of books of the bible that I've never read before and I'm plowing through them. Next up on the list is Acts.
So that's my week. A little more detailed than I bet you had hoped ;)
How was yours?
My week starting last wednesday:
Wed: Got home from UK. Late. Stayed up even later chattin it up with madre.
Thurs: Slept all day long. Went to grounds at 8:30. Fell asleep at 11.
Fri: Up at 6. (Jet lag is throwing my body off) Went to walmart. Went to bed at 7.
Sat: Work. Grounds. Bed.
Sun: Church! Yes! I missed Alpine while on vacation
Mon: Work. Bed.
Tues: Work. Bed.
My summer is shaping up to be very exciting. And this blog post made me laugh out loud at work... you are just too funny, Sarah :)
Dear Sarah,
Iced tea and "Imma Be."
love, your Draper Road Trip buddy
Looks like you are keeping busy! I love the pictures! I feel like the last 4 weeks of my life have just ran together!
What exactly is frisbee golf?
Frisbee golf is playing "golf" with a special frisbee that's heavier and smaller so you can throw it farther. The "hole" is a metal net that catches the frisbee, and there's a course out here with 18 holes and everything. It's pretty fun.
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