Wednesday, September 20, 2006

more nanny pictures

these are just a few pictures from our experience with the girls.

we gave the girls drinks from got coffee...studies show that a child hooked on coffee at an early age will either become crazy, or a genius when they grow these picture show crazy or genius? don't answer that.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

SuperNanny to the rescue!

last week i had the pleasure of picking Dylan(3rd grade) and Maya (Kindergarden) up from school, and then doing homework and playing with them until Todd (dad) got home. Lori (mom) was on a little vacation and so my dream of being a nanny was complete! it was great. on wednesday we went to Dinosaur Park (for my very first time), and during the rest of the week i drove Dylan to football practice. the best thing about it was that i got to drive my mom's car the whole week because mine wasn't safe for their car seats!!! ya!

Monday, September 18, 2006


yesterday, Micah took me to dinner up in SLC. we walked around the Gateway and had a good time. little did i know that it was all a trick to get me to salt lake...thanks to Matt T. we had tickets to see these guys....Third Day & David Crowder!!!!!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

coffee shop tears

amy and i are watching the girls for the weekend. (sadie and avery). we had a great sleepover last night and are getting ready for a fun-filled day ahead of us! we're at got coffee right now and sadie has just fallen off of her chair and started crying. it's quite a fall for her on these big chairs, and then to hit the cement's ok've been hurt so you just cry ok...
hopefully amy and the girls will be headed to the Treehouse today. (one of the greatest places on earth! i had my birthday party there 5 years in a row when i was little. it's truly magical!)

on a different note....Micah and Glendon decided to go camping last night. for all of you living in utah please join me in saying "are you crazy?!" i would just like to add that there are a couple inches of fresh SNOW on the mountains! SNOW!

i hope you guys have a great weekend and bundle up, it's pretty nippy!


Monday, September 11, 2006

Ok, Go Treadmill Dance

This is the band "Ok, Go" performing one of their songs on treadmills.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Chaco, Chaco, Chaco...

here's some pictures from our wonderful hike yesterday at Waterfall Canyon.

as you can see the waterfall was huge! if you can even see it...

we all got soaked from the water that was spraying off of it...or from dunking our heads in it...

even though the waterfall was a bit of a disappointment, it was great seeing Cinnamin and meeting Nate and Ashley!

Friday, September 01, 2006

my title is not as cool as micah's...

What a week! I started college and it's great! Actually, my favorite part is walking around campus! I've always wanted to do that since I was little... and I get out no later than 12:30! its grand. I went to a ROTC bbq yesterday for Micah and Matt at Weber. They received awards and all that jazz. keep it up cadets! I also went to a great concert last night with Micah, Nate and Buzz (mewithoutyou). The "Psalters" were so cool! you'll have to ask us about them to trully experience the magic that we saw! Come to a bbq tomorrow at Amy and Petes house! 6pm! come now! do it! see you soon!