Saturday, December 13, 2008


...The ultimate Hershey's Kiss...

No people, I am not tricking you. I did not unwrap this kiss, stick THREE pieces of paper in, and then wrap it back up again. This is real.
This is so real that I had to blog about it.
At first I really thought to myself, "did I just win a contest? Am I a winner of the strangest Hershey Kiss contest ever?"
Nevertheless, i'm blogging about.
Pathetic? I don't know, you tell me. ok, don't tell me that i'm pathetic. keep that to yourself.


Kaytee said...

I take all credit for the publication of this blog. For it was out of my mouth that the words "you should blog about it" came.

Jan said...

remember to 'yield' kaytee, 'yield'...haha, it is weird though, and should be blogged; good idea :)