Wednesday, May 31, 2006

pre graduation & post.

Pre--well, today's the day! i graduate tonight at 7 at WHBC (you are all invited). this morning we had a rehersal and it was my turn to walk to the podium and present the senior gift, but on my way back i tripped and fell. hopefully thats not going to happen tonight! oh geeze.

Post--well everyone, i'm no longer a high school student. i graduated! the ceremony was good and everything, and i sat between some of my favorite people. tina and kyle. we call ourselves the "M's" the names go Martin, Massie, Merrigan. the reception was fun. i've never hugged that many people in my life! it was crazy, but i was so excited and couldn't stop smiling! plus, i didn't trip! yeah!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

apparently i've been tagged

well the rumors are all true, i have been tagged. so here i go. 6 weird/crazy/habits about myself. brace yourself. this could get ugly....
1--well, i'll follow the "norm" and share with you my shower routine...--turn on water and get the right temp. --take off clothes-- hop in--turn on shower--get hair wet--shampoo hair--wash face--rinse hair and face--condition hair--wash body--(if i shave then i shave one leg, rinse hair, shave the other)--rinse hair and body--turn off water--ring hair out--dry off-face, middle, legs, arms--then i do this weird thing with my hair where i flip my head back and forth or something, it gets most of the water out and makes it dry faster...i don't know how i started doing that but it works. --hang towel up--bottom clothes on--top clothes. well there it is.

2--i love filling the ice cream machine at work! it's the soft ice cream and it is a creamy liquid in this giant bag. all of us at work call it the "baby" because it's heavy like a baby. so then i have to pull the step ladder out, hold the "baby", and climb up, take the cap off and pour. i don't know why i like it so much, but yesterday i was working and i had to refill the machine! i was so excited, so i got everything out and ready, and then the drive-thru rang. so i took care of that, and when i looked at the machine, Julia was filling it up! kill joy. it's a rare occation to fill that thing up, and she stole it from me! it's a good thing i had yummy lemon water to calm me down!

3--i secretly wish that i could play the bagpipes. it's true. i think they're so cool and sound amazing. i have no idea how i could do this, or if anyone could even teach me. Honestly, do you know anyone that teaches bagpipe lessons? it's a lost art. maybe i'll just have to travel over to scotland and have them teach me. now that would be cool!

4--i love cleaning. not the bathroom or my bedroom, but cleaning dirt and grease off surfaces so that it magically becomes sparkling white! i think it all started the first time i saw an Oxy-clean info-mercial. i love those commercials. for some reason i become fascinated with the dirty surface they have, and then they spray the "product" and in one wipe, it's sparkling white! there's just nothing like it! that's my favorite thing to do at work too. i walk around with the degreaser,spray, scrub, wipe. sometimes i even feel like i'm in one of those info-mercials, minus the cheesey co-host.

5--i love office supplies. i don't know why, but i love going to office max, staples, or the "school supplies'' isle at the store. it's not like i visit them regularly, but when i do, i'm there for a while. at the beginning of the school year i was shopping for pencils, and i didn't know which kind to get because there were so many to choose from! i probably stood there for 20 min. or something. Tina even bought me a little stapler for school, and it has little colored staples to go in it! my favorite office supplies are sharpies/markers. even though i don't own alot of them, i stand in the isle wishing i did!

6--i couldn't think of another one, so i'll tell you one from my past. when we moved to south weber i got my own room. (this was in 6th grade) so in the summer time at night (i only did this in summer because i knew i didn't have to go to bed on time) when i couldn't sleep, and i didn't know what to do, i would rearrange my furniture. i would, all by myslef, move my bed, dresser, desk, and bookshelves. completely move them across the room. i was bored. but my room looked cool in the morning when my mom saw it!
well, pretty much everyone has already been tagged, so enjoy my weirdness!

Monday, May 22, 2006

It's over.

i thought you guys might like to know how the state track meet went this weekend. I ran the 100 meter Hurdles, made finals, and got 6th place out of 9, and got a medal. i also ran the 300 meter hurdles, but i barely missed finals...oh well. it was a good weekend, and a good way to end my senior track season. Suzy on the other hand, had a bad weekend. she threw Shotput and Discus. when she was throwing the Shotput, she threw her personal best, but the judge measured the wrong mark. (they measure the dent the shot leaves in the sand) Suzy told him that the dent wasn't her mark, and the one above it was hers, and the girls on the bench told the judge that he was wrong, but he judge said "i'll mark what i think is your throw." so Suzy got 7th instead of 4th!!!! evil judge. She's ok. she's mad, but knows that she still has next year. here's a picture of "Tent City." enjoy your week!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Be on the same time zone as God

ok so heres a little background info...lately i've been throwing myself a pity party because it seemed like my bible reading and praying was doing nothing and changing nothing in my life. so i would pray and ask God "why?! why can't i feel you right now? why can't i see a change? i want to know you more and have the passion, but it's hard when i don't see you." i wanted it to happen NOW! well, last night i was on "Our Simple Minds," and read Darren's thoughts about Psalm 27:4, so i decided to check out the rest of the chapter. READ IT NOW! heres some of those key verses that screamed "this is your verse!" when i read them.
vs. 4 & 7---"one thing have i asked of the LORD, that will i seek after: that i may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life...Hear, O LORD, when i cry aloud; be gracious to me and answer me! you have said "Seek my face." My heart says to you "Your face, LORD, do i seek." hide not your face from me."
those verses, no joke, have been the dialogue between me and God lately.
vs. 13&14---"i believe that i shall look upon the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living! Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD."
God and i were on completely different time zones. i wanted it NOW and he said "Wait for the LORD." it was so amazing when i read this. it just clicked in my mind! God is so GOOD! now i see that his timimg is perfect, and so amazing. this chapter really encouraged my, and i pray it encourages you to wait for God and know that his timing is perfect!

Sunday, May 14, 2006's been one month since we left.

this is the park where we had VBS everyday.
about 40 kids came from around the area and the church.

this is the church that we went to last year, and came back again this year. this picture with the green paint (from last year) was the color until we painted it this salmon color.

Me and Tina with Kenia, and Gracia in the yard of the church.

The Master Juggler! Mat tried to teach me to juggle but I couldn't measure up to his skill level!

Good times

well, it's been 2 weeks since prom, but i figured you guys could enjoy the pictures. It was a really fun night (there's no way it could've been bad because look at my date!) between the chocolate fountain, and kelli's dance lessons, Micah had a good time. for me, it was a good senior prom, and it was fun to get Prom Princess!

Friday, May 12, 2006

the amazing race...well sort of.

ok. so today was my region track meet for 1A schools. i was running the 100 meter hurdles, and the 300 meter hurdles ( 400 meters is once around the track). so, 1A is really small because i only ran against 2 other girls, and one of them is on my team. the gun goes off, and boom we're off. i take first with a giant lead! yeah go me. come to find out that the people running the timer at the finish line, were not ready, so i had to run it again! don't worry i still got first. moving on to...the 300 hurdles. this race is my favorite. i'm running with 7 girls. (2 of them were the same girls from the 100). so i'm coming up to my 2nd to last hurdle and wammy! i get a cramp in my thigh, and i slow down, almost fall, yell, i'm in pain, you know the usual, but since i was in a giant lead again, i still got first. yippy for me. so i'm a 2-time region winner and going to state next weekend. Suzy also did awesome, and got 1st place in discus throwing 103 ft. and then 4th for shotput with 29.1 ft. so if you see her tell her she is amazing!

Thursday, May 11, 2006


Well everyone it's finally here. My Blog. i decided to call it "So Long Self," 1--because i love this CD (MercyMe) 2--it pretty much explains itself. My life is not about me, it's about the one who gave me this life, so i'm saying goodbye to me, and living for the "One who really is worthy."