Friday, October 17, 2008

My first "client"

My friends Tina and Dave are getting married in May and they asked me to photograph their wedding invitations! Ya!

Tina has all of the engagement photos or else I would show you, so you'll have to be content with pictures of us instead!
We started at Weber State around the pond that surprisingly was not a pond today, so we went to Beus Park and had some fun instead.

They turned out great and Tina was very pleased with them, and that's all that matters right!

I can't wait to see what they look like on the invitations, and I can't wait for the actual wedding. Woo Weddings!


Jan said...

you are an up and coming photographer (good eye-good eye)dad, kellie & i had a good experience in the studio-awesome times being awesome-you rock the house!

pilgrimchick said...

Wow. Sounds great. Good for her, too.

Justin Merrill said...

Good night! more weddings? crimany!
good for them im happy. and for you. photography!

Anonymous said...

I ran across your blog from a Donald Miller search, and your words inspire me. Great Blog!
