Saturday, August 16, 2008

Hey! I know that voice!

Suzy, Abbey and I were up at the balloon festival in Eden listening to "Just a Vapor" and Brett Turner--great job guys! Anyway, I was sitting there on my blanket sipping my coffee when the host of the festival starts introducing Brett..."Hey! I know that voice!" I exclaimed...I look up and it's GINA BARBERI from "Radio From Hell" on X96! Awesome! I listen to Kerry, Bill and Gina on my way to school, but who knew I would see Gina in Eden! Oh yeah!


Anonymous said...
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Whitney said...

Gina is related to a friend of mine. We were driving to LA for a missions trip and I was complaining about how irritating her (Gina's) voice is when she does the weather and was going on and on. My friend goes, "that's David's sister!" Oops! :)