Thursday, November 01, 2012

My Next 30 Days

So Gerald and I watched this documentary on Netflix called, Forks over Knives. Have you seen it? Pretty intriguing. It presents the research to show how societies that eat animal products (meat, dairy) have higher disease than people who eat a whole foods-plant based diet. It also showed that eating a whole foods-plant based diet would not only help prevent disease, but could reverse the effects.

Reverse? Really? Well I've got two monster knees with arthritis that I would  love to experiment on with this diet. So we are! For the month of November (minus Thanksgiving--cheat day!) Gerald and I will be eating a whole foods-plant based diet to see how it affects us. That means no food from an animal (so long milk and cheese!), along with no added fats/oils/synthetic sugars (bye soda!), but instead eating whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans and natural sugar. To make things more interesting we're doing "before and after" of our weight, blood pressure, and heart rate. Do you think we can pull it off? We'll find out. It's already the end of day 1 and I want cows milk!

Here's a picture of our new plant food. 

We're excited to see where this leads. Perhaps just until December or maybe even more permanent...If anything I'm excited to cook with new foods. Most Americans only rotate between 6-10 meals a week, so I'm happy that this is forcing us to try different things. Plus, I find it hilarious that the manliest man I know is giving up meat to eat quinoa instead. And yes, I did have to google how to spell quinoa. Next I'll find out how to cook it!

I'll keep you posted on our adventure!