so on tuesday i went to the bible study my mom has at my house because i could not go to the one on mondays that i usually attend, and i have to say it was great.
we were talking about Philippians 4 and how Paul talks about being content. this was perfect because i have been thinking about this for a while because of my english class (it's called "writing our community, writing ourselves" and we're reading a book called "the working poor" so obviously we are talking about the poor and everything that goes into that). so a question popped into my head
"how much do we really need to live...?"
we live in a society with grocery stores with 46 different kinds of chips, and books, clothing, the latest gagets...pretty much everything! and it's so hard to decided what i truly need and what i think i need.
my favorite part of bible study was the Rob Bell movie we watched. (side note: i love Rob Bell!) the movie was called "Rich" and rob talks about how God has blessed this nation and we live as if he hasn't. we think we are not rich if we drive a junkie car or have the latest, greatest thing, but most people don't even own a car and look at us saying "wow, must be great..."
here's a sneak peak of what he said...
-"how much change do you have on you?" most people live off of a dollar a day..."
-"have you eaten today?" "thousands of people die everyday from starvation."
so he is saying all of these statistics and one of them jumped out at me and pretty much bit me in the butt! here it is...
-"they say that 20 billion dollars will provide everyone in the world with food and water. that's how much American's spend in a year on ice cream."
so, contentment... it's hard, but that is my goal for this live like God has blessed me and allows me to take my next breath. I know it sounds cliche to say "not take things for granted," but that's exactly what i'm saying.
think about it.
that is all.