i never thoguht i would see the day that i would become a blogger neglector, but that day has come. i feel that i must tell you why this sad day has come so here we go.
this is my day-to-day routine...
--wake up.
--go to school.
--go straight to work.
--go home.
--do homework.
--go to bed.
that is how it has been for the past 2 weeks since school and my new job started (which by the way is going great). it's been hard for me to squeeze other things in like...
--laundry. it has become a mountain!...ok, a small hill.
--cleaning my room. it looks like a tornado swept through and the aftermath is too much to bear.
--bible reading. i have a very hard time waking up to read before school. but i really need to! ah!
--breakfast! i miss breakfast. granola bars leave me...unfulfilled.
--television. this is actually a good thing, but i thought i would write it down anyway...
like i was saying, i have become a blogger neglector. it's a curse that will hopefully be lifted soon, but until then i will try to fulfill my blogging duty and keep you posted on my life!
have a great weekend. see you at potluck!
that is all.