However, during the summer I was exhausted. I was burnt out with school, friends, church, InterVarsity, deployment woes--I was exhausted with life, basically. Even though I was in leadership, it was hard for me to see why I was involved with InterVarsity and how it was benefiting me. Wah, wah, about selfish, right?
So I recently went on an InterVarsity leadership retreat that helped change my perspective towards being involved in this awesome group. We watched a video called, "ee-taow," which is the story of a missionary family that moved to Papua New Guinea and lived with the Mouk people, and brought the light of Christ to the province. One word: ama-za-zing!
The video was powerful to me because it was unlike any other missionary video i had seen prior. It showed what true discipleship is and that I can obtain that same transformation with the students at Weber State. You know why?! Because God is awesome! That's why! He used Mark (the missionary) and his family to reach the Mouk people and he can do the same with InterVarsity. Pretty sweet. I've always known that I could be part of God's plan for WSU but I guess I never truly believed it...until now. dun, dun, dun. :)
So what does this all mean?
I'm a senior now.
This is my 5th year at Weber.
I've been here every day for the past 4 years and....nothing.
I have done nothing to help make God's presence known on campus.
Now is the time.
I feel like I have finally understood my purpose. At least for these next two semesters. :)
I want to serve this campus.
I want to minister to new students and more specifically, to students that don't know Christ yet.
I want God to use my life as an example of his grace and power, and I want to grow closer to him and the IV community...they really are terrific people.
the leaders at our retreat after a hike.
The whole gang at Catalina
InterVarsity is the largest and only Christian club on campus right now. If not us then who? If God calls his people to share his love and I am one of his people, then I am part of this plan to bring his light to Weber!
I am so confident that something amazing will happen at Weber, and I feel completely humbled that God would want me to be part of it.
"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"
And I said, "Here am I. Send me."
Isaiah 6
One word: Fahn-tast-tick
Awesome Sarah! I wish I would've gotten more involved with Intervarsity when I was in college, but the newspaper made that extremely difficult! I miss college and groups like that. :)
God will use you for good, of that I'm sure.
love it! i will be praying for God to give you boldness and bravery! and whatever else you may need. love ya
i second everyone who already left their comments. i also think we should make the "entering the mission field" signs for every Christian. Ever. i know i need the reminder sometimes.
What an awesome realization to have! I know you have and will continue to be the face of Christ to those around you at Weber State. I'd love to have you be my Chief any day! :o)
Chief Sarah- I am praying for you!!!
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