I have been tagged by Kaytee to confess 7 things about me that you probably don't know. Here we go.
1--I write all of my papers in single space, even if it's supposed to be in double. When I'm finished writing, I highlight it all and click double space, and BAM! It doubles in length! I like seeing it change, like Magic!
2--My favorite show growing up, and who I give all credit to my knowledge of anything scientific, is Magic School Bus (It seems like my list is full of Magic). I would check out the computer games from the library, and conquer them all! Seriously, here is why it is the best show. 1) The school bus they travel on is Magical! 2) It is full of scientific information that will blow your mind! 3) The entire class has six boys and six girls, and they are all different ethnicities (like captain planet). This equals the perfect class! 4) Ms. Frizzle has crazy red hair, and awesome dresses 5) All field trips have the class end up in plants, ant hills, cakes, the earth, people, bee hives, the ocean, space, and turning into anything you can think of! I love this show!
3--This isn't an odd thing of mine, but I have to say it. Ryan Seacrest is the most annoying person in the world. I cannot stand him! That goes for Paula Abdul too! I know there are more annoying people than Ryan and Paula, but lately I have seen them everywhere, and it's time for them to go be annoying and crazy together!
4-- Some people sing in the shower, but I sing AND dance! It's true. Dancing in the shower is awesome, especially to a good song. Try it some time.
5--If I were not going to be a Designer, I would be working at the Zoo this very second. Before I knew what Interior Design was, I was certain that I would be a Zoologist, working at the Zoo with the animals and you guessed it, probably scooping poop. Fact about me: my favorite animal is a Tiger.
6--Some of you do not know this about me (I guess that's why I'm doing this...), but I was home-schooled from 2nd grade to 6th. My mom taught at a small Christian school in Bountiful, so that is where I went for preschool, kindergarten and 1st grade. Tragically, that school closed down (it is now a hotel), and my mom taught Amy, Craig and myself. Good job Mom! When I was in 4th grade, we started building our house in South Weber, and moved into my grandparent's basement in Farmington. Because we were closer to Ogden, we started doing activities with other families from our church (at the time we were attending Washington Heights). Our activities included regular trips to the Dee Events Center for CURLING lessons. that's right, I know how to curl (see picture). We also had a music recital. We all played the recorder, some people did piano, and Tina and I sang a little ditty.
7--I have saved the best for last. My first crush ever in my life was Justin Merrill. I have known Kelli and Justin since I was nine, and they stayed at our house for a couple of weeks while their dad was in the hospital. This is where the romance all started! I wrote him a little love note. I was in my grandma's craft room and found a PAPER TOWEL (that is what all love letters should be written on) and used a marker (always use markers when writing on a paper towel so that it can bleed together). I hid the letter in the back of my dresser and forgot about it after a while. IT'S STILL THERE! Obviously Justin had no idea of my secret crush (that is why it is called a secret crush), until last year when I told him and Kelli about the paper towel love letter. Here is a picture of it. Notice the misspelled words... Smuch= smooch Ma= mwah with lips. this is how it is supposed to read: "dear justin I really like you. You are very Cute and Charming. I do not know if you like me. One more thing you are DELIGHTFUL. love Sarah Massie..." Delightful? are you serious! I don't even know if I knew what that word meant! and I have to add my last name or else he won't know which Sarah it is!
p.s. Kelli, you are still supposed to marry Craig. Your deadline is coming up...Get on it!
Oh yeah, Amy and my mom are tagged! Go!
Girls are weird. That is all I have to say. I think Justin will agree with me.
Sarah....THAT WAS AWESOME!!!! And Craig i'm still waiting for you!! SMUCH!!!! (I mean SMOOCH)
wow! i'm amazed actually. i'm actually most surprised that i didn't know you were homeschooled! just goes to show that you never can tell... and i'd have to agree about paula... who is she and why is she famous... i don't like her.
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