2 Tuesdays ago our dog was the same old Wylie, but then that Wednesday he changed drastically. We took him to the vet and found out that the signal from his brain telling his legs to move was not reaching his back legs. We prayed that he would go back to the same crazy Wylie, but after the visit to the vet he kept getting worse. Today his body completely shut down and he couldn't stand, so it was time. I know it is cliche, but a dog truly is man's best friend; my best friend. So long puppy. you will be missed (except your stinky breath!), and you will always be our Wylie Coyote.
that is all.
massies, i'm so sorry. wylie was the best dog ever. i will even miss his bad breath.
it makes me so sad. we've had him for a long time. he was the best dog!
i miss him herding me. yesterday mario met me at the side door instead of wylie. i said 'let's go get the mail' mario just waited at the door. when we went inside he followed me to the office and had my complete attention instead of sharing it. mario can be all cat now!
Lets not forget the time when Wylie first came to our lives. He slept in my room that night and when I woke up in the morning 4 piles of dog poop were strewn all over the room. I'm going to miss him.
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