Pre--well, today's the day! i graduate tonight at 7 at WHBC (you are all invited). this morning we had a rehersal and it was my turn to walk to the podium and present the senior gift, but on my way back i tripped and fell. hopefully thats not going to happen tonight! oh geeze.
Post--well everyone, i'm no longer a high school student. i graduated! the ceremony was good and everything, and i sat between some of my favorite people. tina and kyle. we call ourselves the "M's" the names go Martin, Massie, Merrigan. the reception was fun. i've never hugged that many people in my life! it was crazy, but i was so excited and couldn't stop smiling! plus, i didn't trip! yeah!
I snapped a photo right after you turned your tassel - you were happy to say the least...the photo didn't turn out well but I'll remember the look on your face, then you hugged Tina and threw your cap.
WOHOO! I wish we could have been there (and I bet Micah wishes he could have been there too). Thanks for sharing the pics, it is the next best thing! CONGRATS!!
Leah (& Drew & Ryan)
yeah! as far as graduations go, yours was by far the best (way better than mine). as for the hugs, wait until you get married, it's like that but ten times more and you're smiling so much while trying not to get to close to people so they don't spill chocolate on your dress! okay the last part was just me, but you never know. love ya, i'm glad you're sticking around for a while so we can hang out more, now you're not my little sister who is too young to hang out, you've passed on into "adult"hood (whenever that is). mugga-mugga!
Congrats, Sarah! sheesh, thinking back to high school graduation makes me feel so old!!
You did it!!!!! Congratulations Girly! be sure and send me your address so I can send you some stuff.
Enjoy your summer and play really hard!
Have a great weekend!
Congratulations Sarah! I just found your blog through Julie's. I hope you have a great summer! I'll be in Utah August-October for a 3-month rotation at a family practice clinic, I can't wait to catch up with all of you!
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