Remember this photo from my last post 4 months ago?
Well it finally came true (happy dance).
Even though school is over and I can breathe again, it's more like holding my breathe...or baby breathes...meaning, I'm still busy, busy, busy...which is why this post is being written a month after school ended.
Speaking of school:
This past school year was the worst! Oh man, most stressful, exhausting, and any other negative word that's in the dictionary. Honestly people, no exaggeration--I was certain I wasn't going to make it. It seemed like no matter what I did I was always a step behind. I was working on my senior project (and other stuff) sunup to sundown and then after sundown until the sun came up again. No lie. Ask my roommates. Even writing this out and remembering how awful these last two semesters were is making me angry...that's why I was completely blown away by how this semester ended.
My Interior Design department has senior portfolio review, which is a presentation of our senior projects and our portfolios. This year two judges (professionals from the Ogden design world) judged best senior project board layout and best portfolio, and I WON BEST PORTFOLIO! Can you believe it?! What an amazing reward for everything that happened my senior year. Yeessssssssss!!!!!
Here I am at portfolio review.
And as if winning best portfolio (and actually finishing my project and portfolio) wasn't big enough, I ended the semester with a bang! GRADUATION!
Graduation was such a fun day!
My school buddies! (minus Jenn). We couldn't have done it without each other.
Traditional grad front of a giant cement column. So classy :)
My Aunt Eunice even came from Oregon for graduation!
Graduating, parties, celebrating! Now that's my kind of day :)
Here we are covering up Amy's belly...
Speaking of the new baby--
Meet Benjamin Peter Gompert!
One week after graduation (April 29) little Benny was born! He looks like an old man in this photo but he really is a cute baby. Not an alien baby. And Jane is cute around him too. Just hear her say "Benshamin" and your life will be complete....
If you haven't noticed in this post some major events have happened within a week of each other: graduation, new baby Benjamin, and....drum roll please....! ENGAGEMENT!
Gerald, Allyse (G's sister) and myself went on a hike to Waterfall Canyon and Gerald proposed at the top. I knew what was going on 5 seconds before it happened (even though Gerald says otherwise), and I still can't believe it did. Weddings! Woot! Woot!
This is my, "This is so crazy!" smile.
September 24th! Save the Date!
Soooo as if my life wasn't full of plenty of exciting and new blessings, the story continues this summer (in a different post of course) with finishing my internship in Eden, starting a new one in Salt Lake, taking a trip with the Carr clan to Texas....and that's just in the month of June!
This is an exciting time in my life and also a very anxious time of "unknowns"...but I wouldn't have it any other way. God is good. He's made that very clear over this past year :)
It's good to be back and breathing again.
That is all.